Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Marlo the Interior Decorator

I recently began toying with the idea of going back to school. It turns out to be quite a feat to narrow down the options. English? Comparative Literature? Master's of Public Administration? Museum Studies? There are just so many fascinating things to explore and learn about more in depth.
Yesterday I was in a great store called Alice Lane Home and I struck up a conversation with a woman there about interior design. And, just like that, I'm exploring interior design programs here in the area. As part of the application for one program here you have to complete a "color board" where you design a room and source samples of items and finishes you would include. Online is a really fun program called Olioboard where you can take things for a trial run in 3D digital design. Marlo took it for a whirl and I just have to share the results. This room is such a great peek into the magical mind of a child. She chose a bedroom with a serene beach background and then it quickly evolved into a "Christmas Bedroom." Isn't that just the best? Here it is. We will, no doubt, be creating many more "virtual" fantasy spaces in Olioboard and who knows? Maybe someday soon I'll be decorating my friends' houses:)!

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