Monday, July 29, 2019

Baby Sloane - 4 Months of fun

Here are some pics of our favorite new family member, Baby Sloane who is 4 months old now.

Daddy and Sloane (left) with other new Dads at church.

She also goes by Sloaney Baloney, Sloaney, Baby, Blue Eyes, Bright Eyes, and Sloaney Bear. We love her so much. She smiles, babbles, grabs her feet, drools like crazy, and flirts with Daddy. She sleeps 10-12 hours a night already too! She's such a blessing and we're so happy she joined our family.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Marlo the Interior Decorator

I recently began toying with the idea of going back to school. It turns out to be quite a feat to narrow down the options. English? Comparative Literature? Master's of Public Administration? Museum Studies? There are just so many fascinating things to explore and learn about more in depth.
Yesterday I was in a great store called Alice Lane Home and I struck up a conversation with a woman there about interior design. And, just like that, I'm exploring interior design programs here in the area. As part of the application for one program here you have to complete a "color board" where you design a room and source samples of items and finishes you would include. Online is a really fun program called Olioboard where you can take things for a trial run in 3D digital design. Marlo took it for a whirl and I just have to share the results. This room is such a great peek into the magical mind of a child. She chose a bedroom with a serene beach background and then it quickly evolved into a "Christmas Bedroom." Isn't that just the best? Here it is. We will, no doubt, be creating many more "virtual" fantasy spaces in Olioboard and who knows? Maybe someday soon I'll be decorating my friends' houses:)!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Family Update January 2013

So here are some family pics from November 2012. We are settling into our life here in SLC and trying to embrace all that this area has to offer. It has been somewhat of a metamorphosis for each of us over the past few years and we feel so blessed to have made it to where we are today and are especially grateful that our path has led us to be so close to beloved family here in Utah. We also love our wonderful new friends, Marlo's lovely new school and our wonderful, enchanting neighborhood here in Sugarhouse.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today such a beautiful thing happened, I just have to write about it. Marlo is almost 2 1/2 and she is just a wonder. Everyday, our jaws drop at the new words and cute little personality traits that she is developing. But perhaps the best of all just happened this morning. She LOVES dinosaurs and her Grammy and Papa gave her the best dinosaur playset ever for Christmas. Well, this morning as she played, she was laying her dinosaurs down to go "nigh-nigh" and she proceeded to fold her arms and pray all by herself for the first time (that we know of). It went something like this, "Heveny Fada, Ty-Ty Racho, Papa Gwammy, Mommy Daddy, Jawud Emmy...cheesee poofs, oh-meal, milkie...amen!"
Then she went to the kitchen to get some "milkie" for her beloved dinosaurs and tucked them in.
Wow! I'm just speechless. My heart is about to spontaneously combust:)!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Quick Update Post!

Hi all, here are some more photos of MarMar. Just some recent highlights of a visit to Alcatraz and then to a pumpkin patch before Halloween. I'll post more soon! I need to figure out this blogging stuff! Much love to you all :).

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Jailhouse Rock

Hello everyone, after months of agonizing over whether or not to have a blog, I have decided to give it a whirl. So, the pressure is on....what do I blog about? There are gazillions of topics I would love to spout off about to you, my captive audience...oh, well, I'll just have to default to blogging about my little Marlo. What topic could possibly be better and cuter right? So here it goes...
Mar Mar has gone from crawling backwards, to doing what Adam likes to call the "Night of the Living Dead" crawl to a full blown, "on-all-fours" crawl to now a bit of cruising. It's a different world for her and for us. I'll just show you a couple of photos that perfectly depict the very quick transition that has occurred of late in our home. The first is Mar Mar beginning to scoot along contentedly on her tum-tum...then fast forward to Mar Mar in her full-blown "Jailhouse Rock" mode. If only I had a tiny tin mug for her to knock along those bars that so unfairly inhibit her :)! Of course, they only inhibit her from tumbling down the stairs!